Tag: Japan

  • Both International And National Security Starts At Home – US in the picture.

    “I have not seen anywhere else in the world a gun lobby that has the same level of influence on its own government as the NRA does in the United States.”    –Andrew Feinstein. – “I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of insidious…

  • Where Allied Forces met again in the ANZAC spirit at Gallipoli

    Churchill did dream about Gallipoli and the Dardanelles, the dead soldiers on both the waters and the cliffs. It was a nightmare! The Dardanelles efforts have been his idea and could have altered the course of the 2nd word war at an earlier stage on the Western Front, – but it didn’t. The enemy was…

  • 21st Century’s collision course of nuclear disaster, – both the possible and the impossible!

    Among free men,” said Abraham Lincoln, “there can be no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet; and those who take such appeal are sure to lose their cause and pay the costs.” Those who get confused about the real priorities on earth and lose their cause will pay the costs This is the…

  • The Realistic Threat Of North Korea: a different approach

    Tonight once again, once again the same old discussion. The discussion being heard so many times but so little effective action being taken. The discussion about the pending and increasing dilemma’s as how to deal with North Korea. North Korea perceived as an increasing threat, – North Korea being an increasing threat. North Korea, with…

  • To Cross The Waves Of Time..

    “I look up to the people who keep dancing even after the music has stopped, because those are the people who keep on trying even after all hope is lost” – unknown origin “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner” —Nelson…

  • Some predictions for 2013 after 2012?

    >”Don’t sweat the small stuff when so much else matters.”< Predictions are not always easy and sometimes impossible. We have one certainty and this is that not nothing is certain. Our agenda for tomorrow based on today or yesterday may well work out, but sometimes it may get disrupted by the unexpected and we have…

  • Australia’s Prime Minister and human rights issues in China

      Australia’s Prime Minister and human rights issues in China. Australia’s Prime Minister Ms Julia Gillard spoke at the Australia China Economic and Cooperation Trade Forum during her current trip to China and in her keynote speech she told her audience that the last 30 years the dual way trade with China has gone from 100 million dollars…

  • Fukushima: why is vital technology arriving so late?

    Obviously it was a good thing to see a roaring Antonov N-124 cargo plane from Russia flying into Atlanta airport this week, picking up a specially designed 86180 kg concrete pump, retrofitted and mounted on a 26-wheel truck to pour water on the crippled Japanese nuclear power plant.This Putzmeister made pump in Wisconsin is able to shoot water…

  • The nuclear energy dangers in our times

    The nuclear energy question has been raised on many occasions but the situation in Japan again reflects issues which if not resolved properly have implications for many future generations. The question is not whether we can supply ourselves with efficient energy but the issue is whether the kind of energy we opt for is really safe.…

  • “To make gentle the life of this world.”

    – At times all of us would wish to live in a world more stable and tranquil, – but the fact is the world isn’t like this. Our times are both complicated and perplexing, but even though they are difficult and perplexing the challenges are still filled with hope and opportunity, even though the dynamics…